Philanthropos Media
Philanthropos Media, whose name comes from the ancient Christian title for Christ, “The Lover of Mankind,” lit. Philanthropos, exists to help others encounter the love of the Trinitarian God in the person of Jesus Christ and His Church.
58 episodes
Catholicism, Locke and the Philosophy of Liberalism
On the inaugural episode of the Philanthropos Media podcast, Jack is joined by Fr. Peyton Plessala and Ryan D. to discuss the contrast between the political philosophy of liberalism and Christianity by critiquing the "father of liberalism" and ...
Season 1
Episode 1

56: JESUS Did NOT Have Biological Siblings - Debunking the "Brothers of the Lord" Objection to Mary's Perpetual Virginity
Who are the "brothers of the Lord" mentioned in Matthew 13:55? In today's video, Nico joins the podcast again to show that the "brothers" of Jesus were not actually his biological siblings.

55: Is Baptizing Babies BIBLICAL?
Join the WIT team as we explore the biblical roots of baptizing infants, grounded in the connection between Baptism being the New Circumcision of the New Covenant. Get your exegetical hats on: we're going deep!

54: Why Baptism SAVES us (It's NOT Just a Symbol)
In this episode of the pod, Jack and Nico discuss significant biblical passages on baptism to show that the "reformed" doctrine that baptism is "just a symbol of salvation already received through faith" is not found in Scripture. Instead, a ca...

53: Nine *BIBLICAL* Reasons MARY is the New ARK of the Covenant
Today, on this SHORTER episode of the show, Nico lays out the cumulative case for why Mary is the New Ark of the Covenant according to Scripture. This episode was originally made for the WIT Instagram

52: Statues of Saints are *BIBLICAL!*
Don't Statues of Saints violate the "2nd Commandment" against GRAVEN IMAGES? How can Catholics justify BOWING and OFFERING INCENSE to the statues/icons of saints? Shouldn't all glory go to GOD and not SAINTS? Aren't these IDOLS? To...

51: Prayer to the Saints is *BIBLICAL*
What are saints? Should we pray to them? Do they have a role to play with our prayers? Does praying to saints violate the 1st Commandment? Can we honor the saints? Isn't Jesus the only mediator between God and men (1 Timothy 2:5)?In thi...

50: Deuterocanon Pt. 6 - Why The BOOK OF ENOCH is *Not* Scripture
The Apostle Jude in the New Testament cites the Book of Enoch and the Assumption of Moses as "prophecy" and sacred history respectively. The author of Hebrews references the Ascension of Isaiah in chapter eleven's "hall of heroes." So... why...

49: Deuterocanon Pt. 5 - "Cessation of Prophecy" Theory DEBUNKED
Did the Jews believe that ALL prophecy, inspiration, and divine Scripture COMPLETELY CEASED to be produced for 500 years before Christ? Today, Jack and Nico DEBUNK a common "slam-dunk" argument against the idea that any Jews couldn't have accep...

48: Deuterocanon Pt. 4 - The "Apocrypha" in the NEW TESTAMENT!?
Are there any places in the NT where a deuterocanonical book is cited, alluded to, or borrowed from? What does it mean if a sacred writer uses or builds his theology off a deuterocanonical book? How do you identify that? What do...

47: Deuterocanon Pt. 3 - Every Patristic "Canon List Argument" REFUTED
The early Christians overwhelmingly SUPPORTED the DIVINE INSPIRATION of the Deuterocanon! So why did they LEAVE OUT those books from their "canon lists?" Why did so many of these ancient theologians put these books in special categories like "s...

46: Deuterocanon Pt. 2 - The CONSENSUS of the First Christians
Did the early Christians and Church Fathers believe the 7 Books of the Deuterocanon were inspired scripture? Did they confirm doctrine with these books? How can we settle this?You might have guessed it from the title, but...

45: Deuterocanon Pt. 1 - Did the Jews ACCEPT the "Apocrypha" as Inspired SCRIPTURE? |
Did Jews always agree on what was inspired Scripture? Was that question settled by the time of Jesus? What Scriptural evidence gives us a clue to competing Jewish views? When and why did the Jewish canon of Scripture "close?" Who "closed it?...

44: Introduction to the Deuterocanon - Why are Catholic Bibles BIGGER?
Why do Catholics and Protestants have different numbers of Old Testament books? What are these extra seven books? What are they about? Are they inspired Scripture? How do we know? In this 20 minute introduction, Nico Silva drops dow...

43: Angelic Virtues and Demonic Vices w/ Fr. Basil Cole, O.P.
What is virtue? What is vice? How does it apply to Christians? Today I am joined by Fr. Basil Cole, O.P. to discuss what his new book: "Angelic Virtues and Demonic Vices" and delve into what St. Thomas Aquinas, drawing on the wisdom of the Chur...

42: St. Joseph in Sacred Scripture w/ Fr. Sebastian Walshe, O.Praem
Who was the man closest to Christ? On today's episode of "What Is Truth?" Fr. Sebastian Walshe helps us uncover St. Joseph in Sacred Scripture as we dive into the typology of St. Joseph in the Old Testament and much more.Fr. Sebastian's...

41: Centering Our Lives Around the Eucharist w/ Dr. Jared Staudt
How can we center our lives around the Eucharist and thus transform the society and culture around us? On today's podcast, Dr. Jared Staudt joins us to answer this question.Dr. Staudt's book: https://tanbooks.com/products/how-the-euchar...

40: All About Mary w/ Fr. Ed Broom O.M.V.
On today's episode of "What Is Truth?" I am joined by Fr. Ed Broom to discuss his book: a Compendium of Marian Devotions. It is one of my favorite books I own!

39: A Conversation on Married Priesthood w/ Fr. Nathan Symeon
Is celibacy and the Catholic priesthood intrinsically bound together? If not, why are all Latin Rite Catholic priests celibate? On today's episode I am joined by Fr. Nathan Symeon, a married priest of the Eparchy of Phoenix, to discuss his conv...

38: The Ruthenian Catholic Church w/ Therese Fetsko
Who are the Ruthenian Catholics? Are they really Catholic? Where did their Church originate? Today, we are joined by Therese Fetsko of the Eparchy of Parma to discuss the origins of the Ruthenian Catholic Church, how it came to America, and how...

37: Is Devotion to Mary Rooted in Scripture? w/ Shane Kapler
Is consecration and devotion to Mary rooted in Scripture? On today's episode of "What Is Truth?" I am joined by Shane Kapler to discuss the biblical roots of Marian devotion.Shane's work:https://explainingchristianity.com/index.html...

36: The Early Church Was the Catholic Church w/ Dcn. Tom Cabeen
Where is the true Church? What does the Bible have to say about the Church? In today's episode, I am joined by Deacon Tom Cabeen to discuss how the early Church was the Catholic Church and we can know this by looking at what the Scriptures and ...

35: Catholicism and Social Media w/ @GrassrootCatholic
Today's episode is a reposting of an Instagram Live I did with Keith from @grassrootcatholic a few months back. We discuss why we use social media and how Catholics can use social media for good, but also why some Catholics probably should stay...

34: Christianity and Gender w/ Dr. John Grabowski
What are the philosophical foundations of modern gender theory? Can modern gender theory form a coherent worldview? What all is wrong with modern gender theory? Today I am joined by Dr. John Grabowski, author of the book "Unraveling Gender" to ...