Philanthropos Media

48: Deuterocanon Pt. 4 - The "Apocrypha" in the NEW TESTAMENT!?

Jack Morgan
Audio Player
00:00:00 | 01:30:41

Are there any places in the NT where a deuterocanonical book is cited, alluded to, or borrowed from?  What does it mean if a sacred writer uses or builds his theology off a deuterocanonical book? How do you identify that?  What do we make of the apocryphal texts that some passages of NT Scripture refer to that Catholics and Protestants agree are NOT in Scripture? Is being mentioned in the NT enough to prove inspiration?

In this solo episode with Nico, you will get a break down of how the New Testament authors use and give evidence for the inspiration of the Deuterocanon. This is a CRUCIAL episode for any Bible-Alone Christians who want some God-breathed confirmations by trusted, already INSPIRED authors, who endorse many of the deuterocanonical books we've been discussing. If they trusted the deuterocanon's theology, why wouldn't you?

Sit down with What Is Truth for a bible study you won't soon forget. Follow along in your Bible as you listen!  

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